
harbor seal

On Saturday, March 17, 2007 Kawika launched his boat in Eureka, California. When he did not return that evening, the Coast Guard launched a search, finding his boat Sunday morning. Kawika's camera was on board; Kawika and his dive gear were not.  The Coast Guard continued the search until Monday evening.  He has not been found.

Eureka Reporter, March 26, 2007
San Francisco Chronicle, April 1, 2007

Kawika's family and friends are dedicated to keeping this site up, and, soon, making quality prints available to benefit one of Kawika's favorite causes.

Hello and welcome! These pages contain a few highlights from the many meditative hours I've passed beneath the ocean's surface. It's my sincere hope that something within them will capture your imagination. If you don't find anything that strikes your fancy, you may wish to check back at a later date since new material is added regularly. Should you wish to contact the webmaster you are encouraged to do so. Either can be reached by sending mail to coldwaterimages@hawaii.rr.com. Typographic corrections to the site are always appreciated. Requests to commission photographic work will most certainly be given consideration. Best wishes -- Kawika

How or why is it that these water images are cold? And why would it matter what temperature a picture is anyway? I must admit, I should have guessed how common a question this would be. As it turns out, people who scuba in "cold" water (less than about 70 degrees F or so) are obligated to wear rather elaborate wetsuits or drysuits to keep warm. The burden of this equipment very much changes the dive experience. As such, the fraction of the diving population that finds cold water acceptable is quite small. It should be no surprise then that some identify themselves as a "cold water diver" before being simply a diver. There is, of course, a bit of chauvinism in this. That aside, cold, often murky and dimly lit waters, profoundly affect photographs in ways that should be quite evident throughout the site.